Narrative biographical research and narrative therapy – narrative practice.
Presentation at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont (USA).

Children and juveniles in the counseling process: An approach on participation, involvement and qualification. A microanalysis of counseling processes between adults and children/juvenile to improve psychosocial work with children who become victims of violence.
Presentation at the Annual Conference of Global Partnership for Transformative Social Work (GPTSW) »Transforming Social Work Practice, Education & Inquiry« (11.-14.10.2012) in Burlington, Vermont (USA).

Kinder und familiale Gewalt. Wer hat das Sagen? [Children and family violence. Who has the final say?] 
Presentation at AK Häusliche Gewalt Wiesbaden in Wiesbaden.

Beitrag qualitativer Forschungsansätze in der Wirkungsforschung. Rekonstruktion der Kinder- und Jugendlichenperspektive der interaktiven Ausstellung »Echt fair« [Research into psychological impact and the role of qualitative approaches. Children/adolescents perspectives of the »Fair enough« interactive exhibition reconstructed].
Presentation at Kreishaus Bad Schwalbach.

Qualitative research, narrative interview, data collection and analyses. An introduction for social work research.
Presentation at the seminar of Prof. Dr. James Martin at New York University, New York.