Chapters in Books

Children's rights as a research ethical frame of reference: Potential for Political Participation in a Research Alliance against Discrimination. In: Sozialmagazin, Themenheft #Kinder #Jugend #Rechte #Stärken (Eds. Gunther Graßhoff/Florian Hinken). Issue 4, 2022, pp. 76-82.

Heidrun Schulze & Susanne Lang (in press): Förderung narrativ-performativer Befähigungsräume mit Kindern im intergenerationellen Multi-Akteur:innenfeld sexualisierter Gewalt [Promotion of narrative-performative spaces of capability with children in the intergenerational multi-actor field of sexualized violence.] In Werner Thole, Michael Behnisch, Alexandra Retkowski, Dorothee Schäfer, Julia Hildebrand, Svenja Marks (Hrsg.) (in press.) Intimität in pädagogischen Beziehungen. [Intimacy in pedagogical relationships]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Heidrun Schulze (2022): A journey to power-critical places of thinking and landscapes of thinking Narrative Practice. In Peter Jakob, Maria Borcsa, Jan Olthof, and Arist von Schlippe (Eds.), Narrative practice: a handbook for counseling, therapy, and coaching, pp. 90-104, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Schulze, Heidrun (2022): Narrative practice as dissent: decolonizing epistemic knowledge order towards children. In Peter Jakob, Maria Borcsa, Jan Olthof and Arist von Schlippe (Eds.), Narrative practice: a handbook for counseling, therapy and coaching, pp.197-209, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.