17.11. 2021
Opening lecture on cooperation between organizations between Organization Zonta, GKFG und University of Applied Sciences RheinMain on violence against women:NO to violence against women - YES to the implementation of the Istanbul Convention.
University of Applied Sciences RheinMain, Wiesbaden.
25./26.10. 2021
Ethnography - biography - narration. Presentation and workshop at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in the context of Certificated Advanced Studies
21. 9.2021
Demands of the Istanbul Convention on the education sector. Prevention of violence against women, girls and boys in primary schools.
School director meeting of all primary schools in Wiesbaden.
14. 7.2021
The Children´s Right to education: Holistic education is the best prevention. Quartiersmanagement Stadtteil Biebrich/Wiesbaden.
27. 5. 2021
Prevention in the elementary sector on domestic violence and evaluation of the project prevention project against gender based violence: „MamMut”.
In Polizei Präsidium Westhessen.
18.5. 2021
Language – Languaging – Power. Biographical storytelling in in social conditions. Presentation and workshop at University ofFribourg (Switzerland) in the context of Certificated Advanced Studies
30.3. 2021
Zum Zusammenhang von Prävention mit Kindern zum Thema Häusliche Gewalt und Umgang mit Verdacht auf Kindeswohlgefährdung.
Leitung und Fachkräfte Bezirkssozialarbeit, Amt für Soziale Arbeit, Wiesbaden.
25.3. 2021
Practice in Reflection: The Reciprocity of Interpretation, Knowledge and Action
Hochschule Magdeburg – Stendal, Fachbereich Angewandte Humanwissenschaft, Kompetenzzentrum Frühe Bildung. (Online)
25.3. 2021
Analysis lines in biographical research and the potential for practice: Historiography – Subjectification – Discourse
Presentation and workshop at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in the context of Certificated Advanced Studies “Narrated Lives & Life Histories. (Online)